Not 3-wheelmotion, but I was pretty excited to get a glimpse of this new invention they got over here: An Invisible Suit! The scientists are still tinkering with the invisible technology, which explains why you can still see the gloves gripping the bike.
Anyway, I wanted to explain my extended hiatus from the blog.
Commence circuitous story now: See about a month ago I was DJing at this party at this Nike party celebrating "Air Force 1's." Like with exhibits. And free scotch.

What exactly are Air Force 1's?

Back in the early 1980s, these were the first basketball shoes with the now ubiquitous "air" cushioning feature. Today Air Force 1 sneakers have reached iconic status in the "streetwear" phenomenon that has spread all across the globe and now China. Nike even flew in this b-boy crew from Korea (word to their fried chicken) as well as DJ Clark Kent from NY.

It was a great party. A doozie, if you will. I met some new friends and the hip hop legend, Clark Kent, who was instrumental in introducing this dude named Jay-Z into the hip hop game.

I was stationed up on this huge stage (I'm the little speck below), which was supposed to be restricted access.

After my set I went down to mingle, as James Brown used to say (see 1:15 into the video).
Anyway the point of this whole story is that after the party, I went back up on stage to the restricted access area to pack up my equipment and...my laptop was missing!!! Somebody straight jacked my laptop from the "restricted access" area.
Some great pics gone. My music! Devastating.*
So getting your laptop jacked is not conducive towards updating blogs, which is a major reason why the blog has not been updated in a while.
Other reasons include me starting a new job and my laziness.
[*In one of the miracles of China, Nike's event production team bought me a replacement laptop same as before! I'm coming back strong with my blog game now.]