Harmonious 3-wheel motion yaheard.
Back in Starbucks listening to that track, Come Around, by Collie Buddz, the new and improved Snow and Matisyahu (aka white dude singing reggae).
Kind of fitting because my transition has been smoothed out quite nicely with the assistance of my "Uncle Andy," who is a white guy who speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese. He's my uncle in the Chinese style sense where there is no actual blood relation. Specifically he is the husband of my mom's best friend, Auntie Eulalia, from growing up in Macao* at a Portuguese Catholic boarding school. My mom and Auntie Eulalia known each other since they were like 7 years old!
*former Portuguese colony near Hong Kong that has recently surpassed Las Vegas in terms of gambling revenue. Too much Sam Rothstein?
Fast fwd a few decades and I'm here in China, the motherland, and since I can't speak much Chinese at this juncture Uncle Andy has been very kind to house me and show me around. I think this throws some of the locals for a loop: Waiguoren (foreigner) speaking fluent Chinese leading around a Chinese dude, whose Chinese sucks but speaks fluent English (and is conversant in ebonics--for those keeping record).
Went to the car wash earlier today. I like how the clothes are hanging out to dry nearby. Car wash/laundry drying machine.
Alright going to grab some noodles and check out the Forbidden City, where they dance the lambada or something like that.
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