I did recharge a bit when I went camping for the first time. Not just in China. But like my first time ever. Sure I've done camping day trips. Hikes, what have you. But I had never slept under the stars, like all premeditated and what not. I embarked on a great wilderness adventure, quite skeptical of what China had to offer outside of Beijing proper.
I ended up sleeping on a rock.

You know what? It wasn't so bad. (One of the tent occupants kindly lent me her sleeping bag). I was actually quite surprised at how pleasant the scenery was.

China never ceases to surprise me, both good and bad. I mean, would you expect to see this landscape 2 hours outside of Beijing?!
On a non-environmental tip, I have also been DJing at this spot, VICS. This picture was taken on a Wednesday night.

DJing here in Beijing has provided an interesting sociological window into the Chinese youth culture. For one thing, Chinese people can't really dance. Not to generalize or stereotype or anything. Have you seen that movie, Weekend at Bernie's? When I look out onto the dancefloor, it's kind of like that. They just sway back and forth like lifeless forms. It focks up my DJing. Basically the test is: if Bernie can't dance to a beat that's somewhat syncopated, the dancefloor just might clear out.
For example, one night I felt I was losing the crowd, so I kind of panicked and put on something "safe." I threw down Prince, "Kiss." Dancefloor. Empty. I was blown away. I had never had that happen before. I told my friend, Beverly, and she was like, "What parallel universe did that happen in?!" China. It's called China.
However...if there are some lizzadies and/or some laowai's (foreigners), who demonstrate a knack for some jiggle-booty activities with the music, the rest of the crowd follows suit. The results can be magic (and produce really bad audio quality).
Oh, and Chinese people really like Hip Hop Hooray!
1 comment:
I've slept on rocks before ....
me in Aruba a couple of months ago
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